ognon package

Ognon is a local-only web application for the creation of 2D animation. Run python -m ognon to start the server. Then browse http://localhost:40460


This module define the Ognon model

It describes every data that can be write on the disk. they are nested python classes. With no method description.

class ognon.model.Anim(layers=None)[source]

Bases: object

This class describe Anims.

An anim contain Layers in a ‘layers’ list.

class ognon.model.AnimRef(name, tags=None)[source]

Bases: ognon.model.Element

This class describe AnimRefs.

An animref is a reference to another animation in the same project. It allow to include animations in other animations. It has a name attribute, the name of the animation it referes to.

class ognon.model.BrokenElement(name, tags=None)[source]

Bases: ognon.model.Element

This class describe a BrokenElement.

It should not be inside an animation but it’s returned by some functions if the asked element is broken (e.g. unexisting animref)

class ognon.model.Cell(lines=None, tags=None)[source]

Bases: ognon.model.Element

This class describe Cells.

A cell is the ellement made for draw on it. It has a list of lines.

class ognon.model.Element(tags=None)[source]

Bases: object

This class is the super class for all elements.

An element is an object that can be placed into a layer’s elements list

class ognon.model.Layer(elements=None)[source]

Bases: object

This class describe Layers.

A layer contain Elements in an ‘elements’ list.

class ognon.model.Line(coords)[source]

Bases: object

This class describe Lines.

A line has a list of coords that should look like :

[x1, y1, x2, y2, x3, y3, ...]
class ognon.model.Project(name, anims=None, config=None)[source]

Bases: object

This class describe Projects.

A project contain Anims in an ‘anims’ dict where keys are anims names. A Project also has a name, config dict and two states id that should be incremented each time the project changes. ‘state_id’ should be incremented when the project organisation changes. ‘draw_state_id’ should be incremented when the content of the elements changes.


This module defines the Cursor class. The cursor is the most importants object of the ognon’s structure. It is a required argument for every control and view functions.

class ognon.cursor.Cursor(proj=None)[source]

Bases: object

A Cursor is a point of view on an ognon project, a tape head.

It store informations about his position and his state and a reference to the project. It provides a bunch of getters and setters to move the cursor, know where it is and access to the ellements under it.


  • proj : a model.Project instance.

  • _posa dict that store the cursor position.
    • _pos[‘anim’] : The name of an animation in the project anims dict.

    • _pos[‘layer’] : The index of a layer in the animation layers list.

    • _pos[‘frm’] : A specific instant of the animation.

  • playing : The cursor state (playing or not playing)


Return the length of the current anim or specified anim


Return a frm position constrained in the current anim length.

Result will be different depending on whether the loop mode is on or off.

element_len(elmt, ignonre_tags=False)[source]

Return the length of the given element


Return the current anim or the specified anim

get_element(anim=None, layer=None, frm=None)[source]

Return the current element or the element on the specified frm in the specified layer in the specified anim

get_element_pos(anim=None, layer=None, frm=None)[source]

Return a tuple with the index of the element in the layer, the element object and the position of the cursor inside the element Return None if no element.

get_layer(anim=None, layer=None)[source]

Return the current layer or the specified layer in the specified anim Return None if no layer


Get the cursor position.

If a key is passed, return the specified position (‘anim’, ‘layer’ or ‘frm’). This method first call set_pos without arguments to ensure that the position is valid (e.g. not pointing an inexisting layer)


Generator function for iterating over all animation’s elements.

property proj
set_pos(anim=None, layer=None, frm=None)[source]

Set the cursor position. (anim, layer and frm)

Positions are constrained to valid values : frm is constained using the constrain_frm method, anim is set to ‘masster’ if current value refer to an unexisting animation and layer is set to 0 if the current value is an out of range index.

If the anim argument is passed but layer or frm are not, set them to 0.

If no arguments are passed, just constain the three values.

If no project, raise a UndefinedProjectError

exception ognon.cursor.UndefinedProjectError[source]

Bases: AttributeError

This exception will be raised if a cursor action require a poject. And no one is selected.


This module is the project loader. His role is to load projects from files and also to keep in memory all loaded projects by names to provide preloaded projects.


Remove project from projects dict.


Delete project from disk.


return a project from the project dict. If the project does not exist, load it from the projects directory, if it does not exists there neither, create it.


Return a list of all saved projects name.

Return a list of dirs in the projects directory. ignore dirs starting with a dot or an underscore.


Load the project in the default projects directory, store it in the projects dict and return it.


Load the ognon project at the specified path. store it in the projects dict and return it.


Create a new project, store it in the projects dict and return it.


Save the project in the projects directory

ognon.projects.save_project_at(project, path)[source]

Save the project object at the given path.


This module defines dictionaries, functions and classes to run the ognon servers.

class ognon.server.OgnonHTTPHandler(*args, directory=None, **kwargs)[source]

Bases: http.server.SimpleHTTPRequestHandler

This class is used to handle the HTTP requests that arrive at the server.

We wait two kinds of requests :

  • GET requests to provide client pages.

  • POST requests to call functions from ognon.


Handler for GET request.


Handler for POST request.

The path tell which function to call. Args are given in the post body. Convert the function to json and send it as a response. If calling the function raise an exception, send an error message


Send the blank line ending the MIME headers.

log_message(format, *args)[source]

Log an arbitrary message.

This is used by all other logging functions. Override it if you have specific logging wishes.

The first argument, FORMAT, is a format string for the message to be logged. If the format string contains any % escapes requiring parameters, they should be specified as subsequent arguments (it’s just like printf!).

The client ip and current date/time are prefixed to every message.


Wrapper for the wfile.write method used to handle BrokenPipeError.

class ognon.server.OgnonOSCDispatcher[source]

Bases: pythonosc.dispatcher.Dispatcher

This is the class of the OSC dispatcher.


yields Handler namedtuples matching the given OSC pattern.

ognon.server.call_function(path, *args, **kwargs)[source]

Get a function with get_function, call it with passed args/kwargs and return the result.


Return a cursor from the cursors dict.

If the asked cursor does not exists, store a new cursor in the dict and return it.


Return a function from the functions dict.

If the asked function does not exists in the dict, import it, store it in the dict and return it.

ognon.server.serve(http_address, osc_address, enable_osc=True)[source]

Serve forever on the given addresses.

Start to threading servers, an http server and an osc server. Set enable_osc to False to disable starting osc server thread.


Strop serving forever.


This module contain bunch of stateless functions. They all takes a Cursor object as first argument and return a JSON serializable value.


Return a list of the projects’ anims.


Return the project configuration


Return a dict containing informations about the cursor state

keys are : ‘project_name’, ‘playing’, ‘clipboard’, ‘anim’, ‘frm’, ‘layer’

ognon.view.get_element_infos(cursor, anim=None, layer=None, frm=None, element=None)[source]

Return a dict containing informations about the current element keys are : ‘type’, ‘len’, ‘tags’, ‘name’

Alternatives frm index and anim name can be passed. If an element is passed, return element infos and ignore position args.

ognon.view.get_lines(cursor, anim=None, frm=None, playing=None)[source]

Return all current visible lines as a list of dict.

Each dict has ‘coords’ and specials lines dict also has a ‘line_type’ key.

Alternatives frm index, anim name and playing value can be passed.

ognon.view.get_onion_skin(cursor, anim=None, frm=None)[source]

Return a list of onion skin lines.

ognon.view.get_path(cursor, file='')[source]

Return path to the project (or path to a file in the project).


Return the value of cursor.playing


Return True or False if the cursor has a project defined.


Return a list of all projects in the projects dir


Return a dict withs all projects in the projects dir as keys and a list of the projects’ anims as values


Return a dict with informations about organization of the anim.

The ‘len’ field contain the animation length. The ‘layers’ field contain a list of layers as lists of elements. Each element is describe as a dict with elements infos from get_element_infos.

So the output may look like this :

        [{...}, {...}],
        [{...}, {...}]
ognon.view.get_view_config(cursor, option=None)[source]

Return the projects view configuration.

If an option arg is passed, return the specified option.


This package contain bunch of stateless functions. organized into modules. They all takes a Cursor object as first argument and does not return any value.


This decorator is for control function that change the cursor state. It make the function increment the cursor’s state_id before doing stuff.


This decorator is for control function that change the project draw state. It make the function increment the project’s draw_state_id before doing stuff.


This decorator is for control function that change the project state. It make the function increment the project’s state_id before doing stuff.


This module provide control functions to manage project’s anims


This module provide control functions to draw on cells


This module provide control functions to export frms and anims

exception ognon.control.exporter.ExportDestNotFoundError[source]

Bases: FileNotFoundError

This error is raised when the destination directory for exporting is not found.


Save the animation on the disk as an avi video.

Location is given by export>avi_name in the config file.


Save the animation on the disk as a animated gif.

Location is given by export>gif_name in the config file.


Save all animation frms on the disk as a png images.


Save all animation frms on the disk as a tgas images.

ognon.control.exporter.frm_to_png(cursor, frm=None)[source]

Save the current frm on the disk as a png image.

ognon.control.exporter.frm_to_tga(cursor, frm=None)[source]

Save the current frm on the disk as a png image.


This module provide control functions to navigate into Animation


This module provide control functions to create, delete layers into animation.


This module provide control functions to create, delete and move elements into layers and layers into animation


This module provide control functions to manage projects

exception ognon.control.projectmanager.ProjectNotFoundError[source]

Bases: FileNotFoundError

This error is raised when project to be loaded is not found.


This module provide control functions to tags elements


This module define utils function.

class ognon.utils.SetEncoder(*, skipkeys=False, ensure_ascii=True, check_circular=True, allow_nan=True, sort_keys=False, indent=None, separators=None, default=None)[source]

Bases: json.encoder.JSONEncoder


Implement this method in a subclass such that it returns a serializable object for o, or calls the base implementation (to raise a TypeError).

For example, to support arbitrary iterators, you could implement default like this:

def default(self, o):
        iterable = iter(o)
    except TypeError:
        return list(iterable)
    # Let the base class default method raise the TypeError
    return JSONEncoder.default(self, o)

Return a the given config file as a dict of dicts.

Values are converted into int, float, bool or string.


Return the absolute path of a given file in the current package


This module define tags function.

Tags defined here :

  • loop n

  • loopfor n

  • pendulum n

  • pendulum2 n

  • random n

  • startafter n

  • endafter n

  • draft

  • mask

ognon.tags.calculate_coords(coords, playing, pos, length, tag_description)[source]

Return the lines description modified by the tag.

Call the calculate_lines function of the tag.

ognon.tags.calculate_inside_pos(pos, length, tag_description)[source]

Return the inside position modified by the tag.

Call the calculate_inside_pos function of the tag.

ognon.tags.calculate_len(length, tag_description)[source]

Return the length modified by the tag.

Call the calculate_len function of the tag.

ognon.tags.calculate_line_type(line_type, playing, tag_description)[source]

Return the lines description modified by the tag.

Call the calculate_lines function of the tag.

ognon.tags.random_calculate_inside_pos(pos, length, n)[source]

Return a two elements tuple with tag name and tag args.