Source code for ognon.model

This module define the Ognon model

It describes every data that can be write on the disk. they are nested python
classes. With no method description.

from . import utils

[docs]class Element(): """ This class is the super class for all elements. An element is an object that can be placed into a layer's elements list """ def __init__(self, tags=None): """Init an Element""" self.tags = tags or []
[docs]class Line(): """ This class describe Lines. A line has a list of coords that should look like : :: [x1, y1, x2, y2, x3, y3, ...] """ def __init__(self, coords): """Init a Line with the coords list""" self.coords = coords
[docs]class Cell(Element): """ This class describe Cells. A cell is the ellement made for draw on it. It has a list of lines. """ def __init__(self, lines=None, tags=None): """Init a Cell""" super().__init__(tags) self.lines = lines or []
[docs]class AnimRef(Element): """ This class describe AnimRefs. An animref is a reference to another animation in the same project. It allow to include animations in other animations. It has a name attribute, the name of the animation it referes to. """ def __init__(self, name, tags=None): """Init an AnimRef with its name""" super().__init__(tags) = name
[docs]class BrokenElement(Element): """ This class describe a BrokenElement. It should not be inside an animation but it's returned by some functions if the asked element is broken (e.g. unexisting animref) """ def __init__(self, name, tags=None): """Init an BrokenElement with its name""" super().__init__(tags) = name
[docs]class Layer(): """ This class describe Layers. A layer contain Elements in an 'elements' list. """ def __init__(self, elements=None): """Init a Layer with a first Cell""" self.elements = elements if elements is not None else [Cell()]
[docs]class Anim(): """ This class describe Anims. An anim contain Layers in a 'layers' list. """ def __init__(self, layers=None): """Init an Anim with a first Layer""" self.layers = layers if layers is not None else [Layer()]
[docs]class Project(): """ This class describe Projects. A project contain Anims in an 'anims' dict where keys are anims names. A Project also has a name, config dict and two states id that should be incremented each time the project changes. 'state_id' should be incremented when the project organisation changes. 'draw_state_id' should be incremented when the content of the elements changes. """ def __init__(self, name, anims=None, config=None): """ Init an Project with its name. a dict of anims and a dict of config can also be passed. default for anims is a dict containing a single Anim named 'master'. default for config is default.ini content """ = name self.anims = anims if anims is not None else {'master':Anim()} self.state_id = 0 self.draw_state_id = 0 self.config = config or utils.parse_config( utils.pkgabspath('default.ini') )