Source code for ognon.control.exporter

"""This module provide control functions to export frms and anims"""

# NOTE : consider mooving from PIL to aggdraw or cairo

import itertools

import PIL.Image
import PIL.ImageDraw

from .. import projects
from .. import view

[docs]class ExportDestNotFoundError(FileNotFoundError): """This error is raised when the destination directory for exporting is not found.""" pass
def _frm_to_pilimage(cursor, frm=None): """ Create a PIL.Image object from the current animation frm or passed frm. """ width = cursor.proj.config['view']['width'] height = cursor.proj.config['view']['height'] scale = cursor.proj.config['export']['scale'] stroke = cursor.proj.config['view']['line_width'] bg_color = cursor.proj.config['view']['background_color'] line_color = cursor.proj.config['view']['line_color'] # super sampling is for antialiasing resize supersampling = 4 scale *= supersampling img ="RGB", (width*scale, height*scale), bg_color) draw = PIL.ImageDraw.Draw(img) for line in view.get_lines(cursor, frm=frm, playing=True): coords = [coord * scale for coord in line['coords']] coords_grouped = [(x, y) for x, y in zip(*[iter(coords)]*2)] draw.line(tuple(coords_grouped), fill=line_color, width=stroke*scale, joint='curve') img = img.resize((int(width*scale/supersampling), int(height*scale/supersampling)), PIL.Image.ANTIALIAS) return img def _frm_to_img(cursor, ext, frm=None): """ Save the current frm or the given frm on the disk as an image. ext must be an image file extension supported by pillow and for which a path is given in the config file. """ name_format = cursor.proj.config['export'][ext+'_name'] anim = cursor.get_pos('anim') frm = frm if frm is not None else cursor.get_pos('frm') path = view.get_path(cursor, name_format.format(anim=anim, frm=frm)) try: _frm_to_pilimage(cursor, frm=frm).save(path) except FileNotFoundError: raise ExportDestNotFoundError() def _anim_to_imgs(cursor, ext): """ Save all animation frms on the disk as a images. ext must be an image file extension supported by pillow and for which a path is given in the config file. """ for frm in range(cursor.anim_len()): _frm_to_img(cursor, ext, frm)
[docs]def frm_to_png(cursor, frm=None): """ Save the current frm on the disk as a png image. """ _frm_to_img(cursor, 'png', frm)
[docs]def frm_to_tga(cursor, frm=None): """ Save the current frm on the disk as a png image. """ _frm_to_img(cursor, 'tga', frm)
[docs]def anim_to_pngs(cursor): """ Save all animation frms on the disk as a png images. """ _anim_to_imgs(cursor, 'png')
[docs]def anim_to_tgas(cursor): """ Save all animation frms on the disk as a tgas images. """ _anim_to_imgs(cursor, 'tga')
[docs]def anim_to_gif(cursor): """ Save the animation on the disk as a animated gif. Location is given by export>gif_name in the config file. """ name_format = cursor.proj.config['export']['gif_name'] duration = 1000/cursor.proj.config['play']['fps'] anim = cursor.get_pos('anim') path = view.get_path(cursor, name_format.format(anim=anim)) options = { 'save_all':True, 'append_images':map( _frm_to_pilimage, itertools.repeat(cursor), range(1, cursor.anim_len())), 'duration':duration, } if cursor.proj.config['play']['loop']: options['loop'] = 0 try: _frm_to_pilimage(cursor, 0).save(path, **options) except FileNotFoundError: raise ExportDestNotFoundError()
[docs]def anim_to_avi(cursor): """ Save the animation on the disk as an avi video. Location is given by export>avi_name in the config file. """ raise NotImplementedError