Source code for ognon.view

This module contain bunch of stateless functions. They all takes a
:class:`Cursor` object as first argument and return a JSON serializable value.

import os

from . import model
from . import projects
from . import PROJECTS_DIR
from .cursor import UndefinedProjectError

from . import tags

[docs]def get_path(cursor, file=""): """ Return path to the project (or path to a file in the project). """ return os.path.join(PROJECTS_DIR,, file)
[docs]def get_projects_tree(cursor): """ Return a dict withs all projects in the projects dir as keys and a list of the projects' anims as values """ list_anims = lambda p: [ file[:-4] for file in os.path.join(PROJECTS_DIR, p) if file.endswith('.ogn') ] return { project_name:list_anims(project_name) for project_name in projects.get_saved_projects_list() }
[docs]def get_projects(cursor): """ Return a list of all projects in the projects dir """ return sorted([proj for proj in projects.get_saved_projects_list()])
[docs]def get_view_config(cursor, option=None): """ Return the projects view configuration. If an option arg is passed, return the specified option. """ if option: return cursor.proj.config['view'][option] else: return cursor.proj.config['view']
[docs]def get_config(cursor): """ Return the project configuration """ return cursor.proj.config
[docs]def get_anims(cursor): """ Return a list of the projects' anims. """ return sorted([anim for anim in cursor.proj.anims])
[docs]def get_playing(cursor): """ Return the value of cursor.playing """ return cursor.playing
[docs]def get_timeline(cursor): """ Return a dict with informations about organization of the anim. The 'len' field contain the animation length. The 'layers' field contain a list of layers as lists of elements. Each element is describe as a dict with elements infos from get_element_infos. So the output may look like this : :: { 'len':4, 'layers':[ [{...}], [{...}, {...}], [{...}, {...}] ] } """ # TODO: add an 'empty' key in element dict return { 'len':cursor.anim_len(), 'layers':[[get_element_infos(cursor, element=element) for element in layer.elements] for layer in cursor.get_anim().layers] }
[docs]def get_cursor_infos(cursor): """ Return a dict containing informations about the cursor state keys are : 'project_name', 'playing', 'clipboard', 'anim', 'frm', 'layer' """ infos = { 'project_name', 'playing':cursor.playing, 'clipboard':cursor.clipboard is not None, } # infos.update(cursor._pos) DEL ? infos.update(cursor.get_pos()) return infos
[docs]def get_project_defined(cursor): """ Return True or False if the cursor has a project defined. """ try: return cursor.proj is not None except UndefinedProjectError: return False
[docs]def get_element_infos(cursor, anim=None, layer=None, frm=None, element=None): """ Return a dict containing informations about the current element keys are : 'type', 'len', 'tags', 'name' Alternatives frm index and anim name can be passed. If an element is passed, return element infos and ignore position args. """ e = element if element is not None else cursor.get_element(anim, layer, frm) try: empty = len(e.lines)==0 except AttributeError: empty = False infos = { 'type':type(e).__name__, 'len':cursor.element_len(e), 'tags':e.tags, 'name' if hasattr(e ,'name') else None, } return infos
[docs]def get_lines(cursor, anim=None, frm=None, playing=None): """ Return all current visible lines as a list of dict. Each dict has 'coords' and specials lines dict also has a 'line_type' key. Alternatives frm index, anim name and playing value can be passed. """ playing = playing if playing is not None else cursor.playing lines = [] if not playing : lines += get_onion_skin(cursor) for i in range(len(cursor.get_anim(anim).layers)): try: pos = _, element, at = cursor.get_element_pos(anim, i, frm) except TypeError: continue # get lines from cell if type(element) is model.Cell: element_lines = [{'coords': line.coords} for line in element.lines] # get lines from animref elif type(element) is model.AnimRef: element_lines = get_lines(cursor,, at, True) else: continue for line in element_lines: # add 'selected' if not playing if not playing and pos == cursor.get_element_pos(): line['line_type'] = line.get('line_type', set()).union({'selected'}) # calculate tags for tag in element.tags: line['coords'] = tags.calculate_coords(line['coords'], playing, at, cursor.element_len(element), tag) line_type = tags.calculate_line_type(line.get('line_type', set()), playing, tag) if line_type: line['line_type'] = line_type lines += element_lines return lines
[docs]def get_drawing(cursor): # WARNING : untested return { 'playing': cursor.playing, 'lines':get_lines(cursor) }
[docs]def get_onion_skin(cursor, anim=None, frm=None): """ Return a list of onion skin lines. """ frm = frm if frm is not None else cursor.get_pos('frm') lines=[] lines += [{ 'coords':line['coords'], 'line_type':line.get('line_type', set()).union({'onion_skin_backward'}) } for line in get_lines(cursor, anim=anim, frm=cursor.constrain_frm(frm-1), playing=True)] lines += [{ 'coords':line['coords'], 'line_type':line.get('line_type', set()).union({'onion_skin_forward'}) } for line in get_lines(cursor, anim=anim, frm=cursor.constrain_frm(frm+1), playing=True)] return lines