
A text mode game engine

Table of Contents

0- Introduction

This tutorial will guide you step by step in the use of mote.

What is mote?

mote is a game engine in text mode.

To create a game with mote, we write the game code in a special language that we will describe here. This language is based on XML.

The editor

The editor is currently located at this address:

The editor has three modes that are accessible by clicking on the buttons in the top bar:

1- Getting started

From now on, each chapter will be a commented example.

Please take the time to try the examples on the editor :

  1. In the tutorial, Copy the example code by pressing the copy button above each example ()
  2. In the editor, switch to code mode and paste the code from the example.
  3. Switch to test mode and try the game.
  4. Try to make changes in the code and alternate between code and test.

My first game


    @                   ?
------------    -------------


Here is a simple example of a game created with mote: The player is a @ and he must reach the ? without touching the ^. To play, we use the arrow keys on the keyboard.

Notice that the code starts and ends with tags: <game> at the beginning and </game> at the end. The code of a game must always be enclosed by these tags. Between the two tags there is the definition of the game: the game is simply written as it will appear at the beginning of the game.

The levels

My game is a bit too easy, let’s add some difficulty.


    @                   ?
------------    -------------


  @                      ?
--------            ---------


This game has two levels. If you manage to reach the ? you pass to the next level, if you hit a ^ you start again.

The levels are framed by the tags <level> and </level>. The code of our game is a <game> </game> which contains several <level> </level> which each contain the definition of the level.

The screens

It’s a bit strange to see the game freeze at the end, how about a congratulations screen instead.


    @                   ?
------------    -------------


  @                      ?
--------            ---------


          BRAVO !            


The <screen> tag works like the <level> tag the only difference is that its content is not playable. Here, the screen is the last element of the game, but screens can be placed anywhere in the game, you can then skip them by pressing any key.

A title

Time to give the game a title and finally get rid of that untitled.

title="the ravine"

    @                   ?
------------    -------------


  @                      ?
--------            ---------


          BRAVO !            


We just learned about a new mote concept, the rules.

We have added a rule. The name of this rule is title, the value of the rule is the ravine.

We can specify an empty title with title="", in which case no title will be displayed.

Let’s analyze this new syntax : The rule is written inside the opening tag <game>, more precisely between the <game and the >. Between the name and the value of the rule, there is a = sign. We don’t put quotation marks around the rule name, but we do put quotation marks around the value.

Character rules

Tired of @, ? and ^, let’s change characters!

title="the ravine"

    ?                   X
------------    -------------


  ?                      X
--------            ---------


          BRAVO !            


title is not the only rule that can be set, there are actually a bunch! Here we are interested in the character rules that are used to define which character represents each element of the game:

You can specify several characters in the rule value to indicate variants. In this example, three characters can represent the deadly elements : /, \ and |.

The author

My game is ready, I just have to sign it!

title="the ravine"

    ?                   X
------------    -------------


  ?                      X
--------            ---------


          BRAVO !            


With the author rule, I specify my name or nickname. This name will be displayed next to the title.

2- Using the editor

code mode in detail

Export the game

In export mode, clicking on the export my game button will download an html file. Unlike the xml file that can be saved in code mode, this file cannot be reopened in the editor to modify it. On the other hand, it contains all the information to run the game if you open it in a web browser! This is the best way to share your game once you have finished it.

3- Advanced concepts

Victory and defeat conditions.

There can be several players and several objectives in a level.

When a player touches an goal, this goal disappears. The game is won if there are no more goals.

When a player touches a deadly element, this player disappears. The game is lost if there are no players left.

Multiple goals or players


       ===    ?
  ?          ===


@          @
   @      ===   ?
===            ===


The above example shows what happens when there are multiple players or multiple goals. Players can die, goals can be reached, in both cases, the level continues as long as there are some left.

No goals or players


The above example shows what happens if there are no goals or players.

Victory and defeat condition rules


       ===    ?
  ?          ===


 @         @
          ===   ?
===            ===


The rules win_on_first_goal and lose_on_first_death allow you to change the victory conditions.

They can take the value of "true" or "false".

By default, the value of these rules is "false".

The size

Flexible size

@ ?

          @   ?               

The size of a level depends on its definition.

When calculating the width of the level, spaces are taken into account. It can be difficult to work with spaces, because they are by definition invisible. For this reason it may be useful to check the box show invisibles. This option allows you to display invisible characters and therefore to see spaces.

Large sizes

*        .    *                .     '     *              *   '      .          '    *         '        .          *     '          .           *   
   '                   '                            '                         '                   *                           '
@                                                                                                                                                    ?

===  ?  

When the level is very large (in width, height or both), the game limits the size of what it displays to 80 × 30 characters. This does not mean that anything beyond that limit is inaccessible. The camera will follow the player as he moves.

Size rules

#  #              ?#
#                  #
#@      #          #
#   #
#?  #
##  #
#   #
#   #
#  ##
#   #
##  #
# @ #

The max_width and max_height rules are used to define the maximum size of the display. The value must be a positive integer.

The display adapts to the size of the level, but if the size of the level exceeds the maximum size, it is cropped and the player is followed with the camera.

Level specific rules

So far we have assigned all rules to the whole game by writing them between <game and >. It is also possible to assign rules to levels or screens by writing them between <level and > or between <screen and >

title="The game title"
@                 ?
title="eltit emag ehT"
?                 @
@                 ?

In this example the title rule is set twice, once for the entire game and once for level 2.

To find out the value of a rule, the game engine first checks if it is set in the level, if not we check if it is set in the game, otherwise we take its default value.

All rules can be defined locally (in a <level>), globally (in <game>), or not defined at all (default value).

Les caractères plus en détail

We have already seen earlier the player, goal and deadly. There are two other types of characters, solid and air, which also have a rule. Finally, there are two rules (default_char and default_type) which do not define a character type but influence the way characters are handled by the game.

choose special characters for air and solid elements

solid=" "
?::::  ::::::
:::::  ::::::
:@:::  ::::?:

In this example air is represented by : and solid elements are spaces!

Note that behind the player and goals, the game automatically places an air character.

choose a different default type

title="everything is the goal"

  for example ?  

title="everything is the player"

  for example ?  

title="everything is deadly"

  for example ?  

title="everything is air"

  for example ?  

bravo !

Normally, a character that is not defined in any rule is considered solid. Here, we indicate that characters that are not defined should be considered a goal, a player, a deadly element, or air.

choose a different default character

When the game starts a level, it fills in all empty cells with spaces. With the default_char rule, you can specify a different fill character.

solid=" "

:@:::  ::::?

This example is the same as above, but I didn’t need to write the : at the end of the line and on the empty lines.


The bg_color, bg2_color, fg_color and fg2_color options allow you to change the colors of the game.


    for example...    


    for example...    


    for example...    


The value must be the Hexadecimal code of a color.

Caractères spéciaux

Two characters are forbidden in the game description: < and &.

Three characters are forbidden in the rule values: ", < and &

If you break any of these restrictions, you will get an error. However, there are ways to get around them.

Bypassing restrictions in the game description

To get around the restrictions in the game description you have to put the description in a CDATA section. A CDATA section starts with <![CDATA[ and ends with ]]>


   @        ?


Without the CDATA section, this code would not have worked because of the forbidden character <

Bypassing restrictions in rule values

To get around the restrictions in the value of a rule you have to use escaped versions of characters.


 ?          <  

In order for the player to be represented by <, I have to escape the character in the rule (replacing < with &lt;) and I don’t forget to put my description in a CDATA section.


It is possible to modify the physics of the game. We will see rules which define the gravity, the strength of the player, and the jumps behaviour.





==================                                         =============================================


This example contains all the default values for the different physics rules. Use this example by modifying the rules if you want to experiment with different values.

Les commentaires

In order not to get lost in a big project it is possible to leave comments. A comment starts with <!-- and ends with -->. What it contains is ignored by the game engine.

<!-- This is a comment -->
This is a comment
On multiple lines
@        ?
<!-- One more comment -->
Bravo !

4- Resources